Wollochet Harbor Club

Community Living in Gig Harbor, WA

Stay Connected!

Stay up to date on neighborhood news! In your email, please include your full name and home address.

We'd also like to stay connected as a neighborhood by creating a neighborhood contact directory! If you're interested in being included, please download the form and email to social@wollochetharborclub.com or mail to PO Box 2294 Gig Harbor, WA 98335.

Paving Updates!

Starting on Aug. 15th we will be doing pavement repair on the community roads. Please see the image to the right on where the paving work will be done. During the 15th and 16th we are asking that all cars, trailers, boats, etc. be moved from 6' from any work area. Anything that is blocking paving will incur a fine and possibly be towed. If your driveway is around these work areas it may be best to keep a car parked at a neighbor's house or up on Cabrini/31st as access may be restricted during these days.


This is a 2 part process, first the repairs will occur on the 15th/16th then on the 29th/30th all roads within the community will be seal coated. During this time no cars may drive on the roads and no irrigation may run from 48 hours prior to the sealcoating beginning. Please mind all cones and taped off areas as driving on these before they cure will create issues that will need further repair and could incur fines. More information about sealcoating will be sent out prior to the work being done.